Monday, February 4, 2008

"Thing #2"

I am just getting my feet wet on this Library and Web 2.0 jargon. Very interesting comments by Mr. Abrams and the blog by John. I do feel that we need to service our library community by whatever means possible. I want to reach my 20 to 30 year old customers in my library and if learning blogging, wiki's, myspace etc I am more than game to do that. I find it all very interesting and fun trying to think of ways to incorporate these features for my library here at NTC. Some of our program areas are already using Second Life so I hope to work with them on including a virtual library. I remember years ago when the internet was going to be a crucial part of libraries and how some old school librarians were not thrilled to be a part of it. I don't want to feel that way about Library 2.0. I want to embrace the changes and hope that I can reach my younger (and older) audience with these tools.

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