Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Minnesota Library 2.0 Thing #16

I have looked at putting a link to one of these tools for a long time and never did. It was nice to be able to play around the two of them and look at their different tools. I liked them both but would consider using the RPC. It was a little more user friendly for our students. I showed it to my work study and she thought it would be very useful. I have our English teacher looking at it now so I will get her opinion. The Teacher guides were very helpful. I printed off several of the PDF files about search tips, Boolean basics and evaluating websites. I will use these when I talk to classes about research. I can hardly wait to work on my blog and get it ready for use this summer, there is so much I have learned through this program to use. The email feature is nice to, at my age every reminder helps. It is a great planning tool for students and myself, it just getting them to look at it and use it. I can see our nursing students using the RPC, they are a very organized group.

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